An order from the Easter Bunny

Hi everyone

I hope you are still doing fine in these times. Here in belgium the “corona measures” are extended again, so I’m still at home. I hear a lot of people say that they are so bored these times, but I have to admit… I don’t get bored very often. Two posts ago, I gave you 10 things to do in Corona times and number 6 was “Sew away all your stocked fabrics of course”. So when I got the order from the Easter bunny to make some gifts for “Toddler Lilly” (yes, normally she would’ve started school after the easter holidays, but because of the measures this is delayed), I started right away…


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Spring is screaming for a new dress


A few days ago I already gave you a sneakpeek on instagram on the new dress I made. Yesterday I finally wore it for the first time and as we went for a walk again, like every day now (time enough), we could make some pictures to add to this post. The lovely weather we have here is an extra benefit for these times.

Continue reading “Spring is screaming for a new dress”