8 Months with Baby Oscar

Sweater Minions – Zara

Unfortunately we could not celebrate his 8 months on the right day, because there are only 28 days in February. Having no party was not an option, so we celebrated it on Sunday the 28th of February and on Monday the first of March.

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Seven months with Baby Oscar

Birth card – Hippegeboortekaartjes, Night Lamp Oscar Het Houtlokael

I can’t believe this is the real first blogpost I’m writing since Oscar’s been born. Oh yes, and that happened on the 30th of june 2020. The day before, in the hospital, I wrote the last post. I know, it’s a crime that I haven’t written this long. But now, this is about to change. Let’s start with the first seven months with my Baby Oscar ❤

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An order from the Easter Bunny

Hi everyone

I hope you are still doing fine in these times. Here in belgium the “corona measures” are extended again, so I’m still at home. I hear a lot of people say that they are so bored these times, but I have to admit… I don’t get bored very often. Two posts ago, I gave you 10 things to do in Corona times and number 6 was “Sew away all your stocked fabrics of course”. So when I got the order from the Easter bunny to make some gifts for “Toddler Lilly” (yes, normally she would’ve started school after the easter holidays, but because of the measures this is delayed), I started right away…


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10 things to do in Corona times

Oh my god, I know… Last post I told you that it wouldn’t take this long anymore to write a new post and I waited again so long… But now, I have like all the time in the world… Yes, here in Belgium too, all of the “not-essential” shops, restaurants, pubs,… are closed, so Bellerose Leuven (the shop where I work as a manager) too. I’m officialy economically unemployed for three weeks (I hope it will stay for three weeks, but we’ll see). And the government has asked us to stay at home (for the Belgian people “BLIJF IN UW KOT”) of course because of COVID-19. Everywhere on social media I hear people saying “oh my god, what am I going to do now, I am so bored”. Well I have to admit, I never get bored… So I will tell you “10 things to do in Corona times”.


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A Checkered Linna Coat with an Announcement

Ooh I am so ashamed that it has been way too long since I written you a post. I was working on new projects and I already finished a few, but I still couldn’t find the time to take pictures and work out a new post. Now I finally found the time to sit behind my laptop and start writing about one of the projects I finished… The Linna Coat.


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